Ongoing hospital activities – birthdays, parties, camps and games
The oncological department must be the saddest hospital department of all. But the oncological department is the happiest one of the hospital departments! No, that’s not a mistake or a contradiction. It all depends on whether LatetTikva volunteers are there too!
When LatetTikva volunteers enter the department, all heads turn to look at their hands, overloaded with gifts and toys, balloons and sweets.
In one instant, the saddest ward becomes one huge happy happening!
The physicians can tell even before they start their morning rounds if LatetTikva volunteers visited the afternoon before. A room that’s had LatetTikva visitors is a room buzzing with energy, where young determined warriors lie, in pain but smiling. These frequent visits make it easier for families to cope and of course, lighten the load of our little warriors.
When LatetTikva’s angels come by, the department’s joy is boundless. Everyone is given personal attention, with a story, a gift, an experience. The volunteer is the little warrior’s close listener, and the child can share what she or he undergoes – treatments, fears, hopes. The volunteer doesn’t leave the room until the little warrior is smiling.