Special activities for the medical teams in children’s wards at Israel’s hospitals
Many medical professionals, who deal with the complexities and stress of the patients and their families on a daily basis, also experience burnout over time and reach emotional exhaustion.
About half of the physicians in the USA suffer from “professional exhaustion”, and about 40% of Britain’s doctors admitted that because of professional burnout, they display negativity, cynicism and a tough approach towards patients.
At LatetTikva, resources are also directed towards making it possible for the medical staff to carry on their vital work at best levels possible. As part of our activities, we organize enrichment evenings geared at the hospital staff. Professionals from a wide range of fields assist the physicians with their daily pressuring routines.
On occasion a well-known professor may visit to describe new finds and discoveries in the field, offer talks on relaxation and flexibility, and sometimes evenings are devoted to acknowledging the medical staff, often through an event of LatetTikva initiative, saluting the efforts of the medical teams in saving lives.
These activities are very well received and hospitals throughout Israel have voiced concern over the lack of activities in some areas. Of course their requests are addressed and we now respond to an increasing number of hospitals with activities designated for the medical teams.
According to the program, over the course of the coming year these activities will expand into further avenues such as forming a centralized lobby to approach the Ministry of Health, and assisting with medical connections from overseas. All these activities are coordinated in special departments managed by LatetTikva, and geared in the final run to benefit the patients.