As a public organization reliant on the support of civic society, we believe in full transparency. LatetTikva’s designation is to assist populations under stress, drive Israeli citizens into proactivity, raise social awareness and inculcate values of mutual responsibility and giving.
We believe that succeeding in the important challenges we face require full faith, honesty, professionalism and transparency. Only this way can we create, together, meaningful action which is stable, and broadly based and can provide optimal assistance while creating change.
As part of the organization’s principles of transparency, we feel it proper to fully detail in this document the financial management of LatetTikva, including data relating to salaries.
Furthermore, the financial reports and balance sheets which are audited by the Badihi and Gehassi are open to public view in the organization’s offices.
Should you wish to remark, review or question, we are happy to respond on 1-700-503-513.