Who We Are

LatetTikva was established in 2002 as a central volunteer organization that set its goals at giving hope and assistance to children, the ill and the needy, and their families.

Our Activity

For more than a decade, LatetTikva is active in various frameworks and maintains continuous contact with children’s departments in hospitals throughout Israel, as well as with the social services departments and social workers in municipalities and local councils.


LatetTikva has earned the Israeli public’s trust, and multiple organizations seek to cooperate and help out. These include the IDF, and other large corporations in Israel such as the Israel Electric Company, Tnuva Food Industries, the Tel Aviv and Jerusalem football clubs, and more.
Public figures view LatetTikva as holding an important place in Israel’s national infrastructure and send letters of encouragement and support to LatetTikva’s volunteers and patients. Among leading public persons offering their support to LatetTikva activities are Israel President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and city mayors, members of parliament, current and former Chief Rabbis, celebrities and more.


Financial transparency

LatetTikva is incorporated in the Registrar of Companies and the Registrar of Trusts as a public institution and a public welfare organization, categorized as a non-profit association (“Malcar”) for the purposes of income tax and VAT. All LatetTikva activities are audited and supervised by external auditing and legal organizations. Your donation to LatetTikvais recognized for taxation purposed under the Income Tax Law section 46-A.

Our Volunteers

LatetTikva volunteers come from all levels of Israeli society, with no discrimination as far as religion or gender. Hundreds of volunteers offer thousands of weekly volunteer hours in hospitals and other places where they fulfill their roles in assisting Israeli society through the LatetTikva infrastructure, helping precious children overcome cancer with a smile on their faces.

LatetTikva CEO is Mr Yossi Shinover, who for many years now has managed the volunteer programs. Mr Shalom Leiter serves as LatetTikva Chair in the USA.

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